What We Do
We've seen a trend across America in healthcare: Poor outcomes and poor accountability. Not that it is their leaders' fault, per se. Most leaders in most hospitals have come up through the ranks with little mentoring, coaching, or leadership development. Frankly, most simply don't know how to hold accountability in a fair and just environment that is not dependent on preferential treatment and favoritism. And worst yet, they don't know the basics of hospital finance, HR law, or solid management principles. Hand in hand with this are the inevitable poor patient outcomes, poor clinical care, and poor patient experiences.
This is where we come in. We begin with assessing the people from the executive offices to the frontline. We actively ferret out the how and the why in order to understand your processes and directions. We design a plan to motivate, communicate, and inspire your staff (beginning with the C-suite) and outline what needs to happen in order for the facility to move in the right direction. Most importantly, we execute the plan, teaching your leaders and managers along the way.
Executive/Leadership Assessment and Mentoring
Is this leader the "right" person for the job or are they just filling a role? Can they be mentored, trained and developed to produce results consistent with high performance leaders? Are they a "good person" but lack the skills to be successful? If you are asking yourself these questions, it's time to call us to set up an assessment.
Transformational Leadership
Have you decided to make a change in the C-Suite? Could this be an opportunity to move the facility in a new direction? Do you need an accreditation clean-up? Are you concerned about finding a replacement? Do you need time to find a solid permanent replacement? We can assist in the interim by stabilizing the facility, providing leadership, direction, and accountability so that the permanent candidate need only build off of what we have put in place. Let us do the clean-up for them.
Practice Areas
Acute Care Hospitals
Physician Practice Management
​Financial/Revenue Cycle Review
Compliance and Accreditation
Strategy and Business Planning